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Asif's new song 'Pasher Bari Sabina'

The lyrics of the song are penned by HM Ripon and music and music is arranged by Amit Chatterjee

The Dhaka Times Desk Asif Akbar who is called the prince of Bengali music. Apart from songs, he has created a lot of discussion as a model for music videos. He is again appearing in front of the audience as the model of his own song.

‘পাশের বাড়ির সাবিনা’ আসিফের নতুন গান 1

Asif is back with a new song. The title of her song is 'Sabina next door'. The lyrics of the song are penned by HM Ripon and music and music is arranged by Amit Chatterjee.

On Friday, Asif Akbar himself posted a poster of this song-video on his Facebook. An Asif with a goof can be seen there. It is believed that this time, Asif will surprise the fans with a new story and a new look.

Apart from Asif Akbar, Asif Imroz, Asafia Ahi, Naomi Khan will also be seen in the video. This music video was produced by Rohan Mahmood and choreographed by Habib.

Asif Akbar said in this regard, I am an artist, acting is not my job. But now the director-producers want me in the music as well as the video. Meanwhile, the audience is also liking me. I try to do something good. But I want to give the entire credit to the director and producer.

Today (Saturday) the song-video of 'Pasher Bari Sabina' will be released under the banner of SDK Music Station.

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