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Precautions you need to take in caring for children

Taking care of a newborn is a very stressful experience for parents

The Dhaka Times Desk As the saying goes, today's child is tomorrow's future. Just as a child's birth into the world is a source of joy for everyone, its illness always creates fear in everyone's mind. Because the newborn baby cannot tell what is wrong with him.

But the parents of the newborn have to be more afraid than others. On top of that, if it is the first child, the knowledge of how to take care of the child is more deficient. Today we will know how to take care of a newborn baby i.e. the things that need to be taken care of while taking care of a newborn baby.

1. How to hold the baby:

Everyone wants to come and hold him as the newborn baby is the center of everyone. But you have to make sure that no matter which lap, the baby's neck should be supported while taking the lap. That is, the baby's head should not tilt downwards while being held. Because if the neck is slightly injured at this time, it will remain for the rest of its life.

2. Wake up:

Never try to wake a baby while he is in a deep sleep. If you wake up like this, the baby's brain is seriously injured.

3. Kissing the baby's lips:

Never kiss the baby on the lips from outside. Because germs sticking to your lips will stick to the baby's lips, which will once go to his stomach and cause serious problems. These germs may not harm you much, but they can have a profound effect on the sensitive bodies of children.

4. To stop baby crying:

Never use threats or threats to stop children from crying. Try to stop them from crying with a tender touch. Here you have to be very patient.

5. Timely bath:

Try to bathe children between 11 am and 12 pm. Because the weather is normal during this time. Bathe with normal hot water instead of hot or cold water.

6. Caution in drinking milk:

While feeding, check whether the baby is able to suck the breast properly or not. Because many times children cannot give milk properly because they are not able to give their mouth to the breast properly. As a result they cannot drink enough milk.

7. Cosmetic use for adults:

Never use adult cosmetics for children. Because children's skin is very soft and sensitive. So be careful in using cosmetics. Various cosmetics for babies are available in the market. You can use them if necessary.

Apart from this, many other things should be taken care of for children.

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