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Won't you be surprised to know the magical power of papaya leaves?

Not only papaya but also papaya leaves are not less nutritious

The Dhaka Times Desk Papaya is a popular fruit that is available throughout the year. This fruit can be eaten both raw and ripe. As is the taste as well as its nutritional value. But do you know that not only papaya, papaya leaves are not less nutritious. Today we will learn about all the magical properties of papaya leaves.

1. Cancer prevention:

Papaya leaves play a great role in curing all deadly cancers like uterine cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer. Papaya leaves contain a substance called acetogenin, which can destroy cancer-causing cells and remove them from the body.

2. Ulcer national problem solution:

Papaya leaves play an effective role in destroying stomach ulcer-causing bacteria called pylori. Besides, papaya leaves work to reduce any kind of stomach inflammation.

3. Cure Dengue and Malaria:

Dengue fever reduces the amount of platelets in the blood. Papaya leaves help in increasing the amount of platelets in the blood. In addition, this leaf contains a type of material called acetogenin, which plays a role in preventing serious diseases like malaria and dengue.

4. To remove acne:

Some pimples do not want to heal even after a week. In this case, you mix dry papaya leaves with water and apply it on the acne and wait until it dries. Then wash off. Apply this for 3-4 days, the acne will be completely cured.

5. To remove constipation:

Almost everyone suffers from constipation at one time or another. And papaya leaves have magical properties to remove this constipation. Carpain present in papaya leaves destroys harmful bacteria in the stomach. As a result, the stomach remains safe. Apart from this, Vidyaman papain, protein enzyme and amylase enzyme relieves constipation.

6. To solve heart problems:

Papaya leaves contain vitamin C, B (niacin) and potassium. These ingredients help keep the heart healthy.
So you can consume papaya leaf juice to solve all these problems.

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