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If you search by writing 'idiot' (idiot) on Google, Trump's picture is coming!

Google CEO Sundar Pichai has recently faced several questions from US politicians

The Dhaka Times Desk This powerful man has been discussed and criticized in many ways since Donald Trump became the President of the United States. This time it was heard, if you search by writing 'idiot' (idiot) on Google, Trump's picture is coming!

গুগলে ‘ইডিয়ট’ (idiot) লিখে সার্চ দিলে ট্রাম্পের ছবি আসছে! 1

Different news has been revealed about the US President Donald Trump who is in the headlines of daily world news. If you search by writing 'idiot' on Google, Trump's picture comes up. Google CEO Sundar Pichai recently faced several questions from US politicians in this incident.

At that time he was also questioned on various issues. But the Google CEO answered their questions quite well. Because such news was spread before.

Jay Lofgren, a member of the Republican Committee, asked Sundar Pichai, "When I search for the word 'idiot' in Google, the image of President Donald Trump comes up." Why is this happening?

Pichai replied, 'This happens because it matches the results of billions of pages around the world. Google results are basically based on how people use the word
Democrat Ted Lew suggests that if you want something positive in search results, you have to do something positive. If you don't like negative search results, you should avoid such actions.

When the Google executive was asked about political bias at this time, he said that, 'Google never does any political bias. We have many sources. We gather information from both the right and left sides and based on that the results are given.'

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