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Now found a 'strange' animal!

The length of this reptile is very close to two feet

The Dhaka Times Desk Such strange creatures have never been seen before. Now found a 'strange' animal! What everyone is shocked to see!

এবার সন্ধান পাওয়া গেলো এক ‘অদ্ভুত’ প্রাণী! 1

People talked about such a creature. It was thought that he was a creature of legend. But recently he was found. However, he cannot be ruled out as a creature of fiction. The discovery of this animal proves that there are still many things unknown to science about the biodiversity of this planet.

Such an animal was recently found in the swamps of Florida, USA. About which biologists were not aware until now. This wetland in Florida, USA is particularly famous for its fauna. Various species of crocodiles, snakes and other reptiles are found here, but this is the first time that such animals have been found.

The length of this reptile is very close to two feet. Among the salamander species, he can be called a 'monster'. On top of that, he has tree-like parts on either side of his head.

All in all, his appearance is so unfamiliar, he does not seem to be a creature of this world. The tree-like organ of its leaf is actually the breathing organ of the animal.

This animal is called 'Siren reticulata'. This animal has leopard-like spots all over its body. This animal has two front legs but no back legs. At first glance, this creature looks like an eel.

David Steen, a member of the research team that found this animal, said that the animal is indeed a rare animal. It is quite different from other 'Siren reticulata'. Scientists have been searching for this animal since 2009.
