Categories: entertainment

Shakib Khan sought votes by boat

The Dhaka Times Desk Shakib Khan is the most talked about actor of the present time. He was seen as King Khan in the film Dhakai. He entered politics this time. He wanted to vote by boat.

শাকিব খান নৌকায় ভোট চাইলেন 1শাকিব খান নৌকায় ভোট চাইলেন 1

As the elections are approaching, the tension is increasing. Shakib Khan, the number one actor of the film Dhakai, has participated in the campaign for the Awami League in the upcoming 11th National Assembly elections. He asked the people of the country to vote for the boat brand through a video message on his Facebook page on Monday.

The video message shows, "The most inaccessible person is in his heart, he has no measure in the outside world and time. Shakib Khan recited these lines of the poem of Rabindranath Tagore and said, 'In this poem of Rabindranath Tagore, we find the true identity of our compassionate Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. He is the Prime Minister of the country. It has rules, principles, discipline. But leaving everything behind, his compassionate mother's passion shines brighter than the Prime Minister.

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Shakib Khan also said, 'From giving the status of daughters to Rita and Runa, who were destitute in the terrible fire of Nimtali, to giving shelter to one million Rohingya in the country or standing by the sick and helpless artists, writers, journalists - where is there no shadow of his compassion. Only a mother can embrace a street child with the kind of compassion she has.'

'This is exactly how he has kept Bangladesh, 16 crore people of Bangladesh, in absolute mercy. So she has become 'Mother of Humanity' to all the common people of Bangladesh and the people of the whole world. So, vote for Mamataumi Sheikh Hasina's boat to continue this development of Bangladesh in the 11th National Parliament Elections on December 30. Everyone put your hands on your chest and say from your heart that we are for Bangladesh.

It should be noted that Shakib Khan thought of taking nomination for Awami League in the upcoming 11th National Parliament Election. Later he was not nominated due to his busy schedule with fans and films. However, Shakib Khan said that he wants to vote for the boat in the future.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ১৮, ২০১৮ 11:14 am

Staff reporter

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