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Daily Mail and Mirror said in the investigative report - Reshma arranged the rescue

The Dhaka Times Desk ডেইলি মেইল ও মিরর অনুসন্ধান প্রতিবেদনে বলা হয়েছে- রানা প্লাজার ধ্বংসস্তূপ থেকে বহুল আলোচিত রেশমা উদ্ধার অভিযান ছিল সাজানো। এ খবর দিয়েছে Daily Human Land Online.

It is said in the news, because this factory collapsed and more than a thousand people were killed, the story of a false 'miraculous' rescue operation was arranged in Bangladesh to maintain the reputation of this lucrative industry of Bangladesh in the world market. The death of more than a thousand people in the rescue of Reshma is largely forgotten. These things were said in the investigative report of Britain's influential newspaper Daily Mirror and Daily Mail yesterday. It is said that the rescue of Reshma was arranged (Yardhi). Because, on the day when Rana Plaza collapsed, she went out with a male colleague.

According to the investigative report of the two newspapers, the journalists of the two newspapers spoke to the male colleague who was rescued with Reshma. He told them that after the 8-storey building collapsed in April, he and Reshma came out together. He was on the third floor with Reshma. The male colleague declined to be named for security reasons. He said, we both came out of the rubble together. Then I was in the same hospital for two days. Then Reshma suddenly disappears. Then I saw him on television 17 days after the incident. It was said to be a miracle. But actually it is a false story. Sunday Mirror sent their representative to Bangladesh to investigate this incident. He meets different people. He understood that this rescue operation was organized by the authorities. This is because Bangladesh has a garment business worth 100 crores a year. After the Rana Plaza collapse, that business could be adversely affected. To fight against him, the authorities arrange such incidents.

The Mirror said the garment workers handed over the evidence to them. The newspaper authorities verified the recording of their speech. However, the statement of Reshma's colleague who gave that information to the media was verified by the journalists of Dainik Amar Desh, an anti-government newspaper in Dhaka. The person who survived with Reshma told reporters that Reshma had gone out on the day of the incident. He was being treated at Enam Hospital nearby. Those who spend their days on the streets around Rana Plaza said they were forcibly evicted before the mysterious rescue operation. They were allowed to return to their respective places the next day without explanation. At the same time, a 24-hour ban was imposed on the rescue operation. Apart from this, Reshma's physical condition, the condition of her clothes also raises questions.

Mirror also wrote that investigative journalist Shishir Abdullah said that Reshma was buried under tons of rubble for 17 days. But there was no sign of him. Reshma said she crawled through the bricks and rubble among the strewn bodies for water. He made his way with his fingers and nails. But in this case, the marks that should be on his hands and nails were not found. Besides, when Reshma was rescued and brought out, her eyes were clearly open. Even after being stuck in the dark for so long, he didn't seem sensitive to the bright sunlight. The clothes he was wearing were not seen torn or tattered. Rather, it was clearly seen. This made people suspicious. But the government presented it as a miracle. People are immersed in such a campaign. Everyone is fooled.

Reshma is uneducated. He was presented at a press conference organized by the government a few days ago. He has been given a new job in a five-star hotel in Dhaka. In this job, Reshma is paid 600 pounds per month, which is equal to 10 times the average salary.

In that press conference, he reacted angrily to the 'cheating' issue. He said, you were not there where I was. So you have no idea. In this situation, the officials did not allow journalists to ask him any more questions. It is said that Reshma was offered to move to the US for a new life. He proposed and was given the job of the hotel.

Mirror wrote, Reshma grew up in Raniganj, a remote village of Dinajpur, 300 miles northwest of the capital Dhaka. We go to that village on Friday. There is a small one-room mud house. Canopy above. Here, Reshma's mother Jobeda is also reluctant to accept her daughter's rescue operation as a 'hoax'. He said, everyone knows that his rescue operation is a miracle. Now Reshma got a new job. Now we have a bright future ahead of us. We were worried after hearing the news of the building collapse. I went to Dhaka with my husband. I am waiting for the news of my daughter like others. I kept praying to get Reshma.

After 17 days. May 10th. The rescue operation was going on today. An announcement was made over the loudspeaker to inform the waiting families. It said that a woman is still alive. Her name is Reshma.

Jobeda said, I fainted after hearing this. When I regained consciousness, people took me to a hospital to see him. Then he is conscious. Talked to us. He told us - he is happy. He has a small scar on his arm. he is fine My joy knew no bounds. I couldn't believe how lucky he was. He was being looked after by the army. He leaves the hospital after recovering and is offered a new job at a hotel. He will send us money now. We expect him to come home to see us twice a year.

These slum workers worked for Primark in the UK and other stores around the world for a pound a day. Cracks in the walls of the building were reported before it collapsed on April 24. But the wealthy factory owner ignored it. He constructed three additional floors on top of the building without taking permission. Several others including him have been arrested in this incident. Death penalty is sought as punishment for them. Engineers in Bangladesh conducted a survey earlier this month and found that three-fifths of Bangladesh's garment factories are at risk of collapse.

Mirror writes, We want to know about the 'deception' of the rescue operation from the spokesperson of the Bangladesh Army, Lt. Nur Alam Siddiqui. He said, we will not comment on this. This news has been given Daily Human Land Online.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ১, ২০১৩ 12:38 pm

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