Categories: entertainment

Now Tahsan wanted to vote in a boat!

The Dhaka Times Desk After the election, one after another stars are campaigning for different parties. However, most of the stars are seen in favor of the Awami League boat. One such star Tahsan sought votes in a boat.

এবার তাহসান নৌকায় ভোট চাইলেন! 1এবার তাহসান নৌকায় ভোট চাইলেন! 1

The 11th National Assembly election is just around the corner. After the election, one after another stars are campaigning for different parties. However, most of the stars are seen in favor of the Awami League boat. One such star Tahsan sought votes in a boat.

Ahead of the upcoming elections, the stars are campaigning for their supported parties and candidates. Musician Tahsan was not left out of this campaign. Popular music star actor Tahsan Khan spoke on behalf of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government in a video message on December 23 night.

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In that 2-minute video message, Tahsan said, from the place of gratitude, we speak for the continuity of this government, then will it be very wrong? I don't think so.

Fulfilling the expectations of billions of people is an almost impossible task. But overall, whether the country has progressed in the last 10 years, you surely have the answer.

In the video message, Tahsan also said that well-established people in the entertainment world, careers or business sectors have already taken part in political campaigns. But what do you think?

If it matches with the political ideology, they applaud, if it doesn't match, they say negative things. He is also making harsh comments. They are saying that all these campaigns are for the fulfillment of their own interests. That's exactly right.

Praising the government for the implementation of Digital Bangladesh, Tahsan further said that 10 years ago, we artists went through a very difficult time due to piracy.

I am well today because of the implementation of Digital Bangladesh by those artists. Electricity in every house, mobile in hand, anti-piracy policy and implementation as a distressed artist is not making headlines constantly. Rather we are getting respect as the highest tax payer.

Which symbol I ask you to vote for will not depend on where you actually vote. But I would like to express my gratitude to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government to continue its development.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৪, ২০১৮ 11:05 am

Staff reporter

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