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What you should do if your baby's nose is blocked due to cold

Blocked nose causes serious breathing problems in children

The Dhaka Times Desk In winter or summer, children sometimes get cold and stuffy nose. If the nose is blocked, it is very difficult for children to breathe. As much as it is difficult for adults to have such a problem, understand how serious the problem is for children. Today we will know what to do if the baby's nose is blocked

1. Use of dropper:

A variety of cold droppers are available at the pharmacy to relieve nasal congestion. When the baby's nose is blocked, put one drop in both nostrils with the dropper. Soon the nose will clear and you will be able to breathe normally again. So buy nasal dropper from the pharmacy in advance and keep it at home.

2. Water and salt:

Mix 4-5 teaspoons of water and half teaspoon of salt in a pot and boil it well. Now cool it a little i.e. while it is still warm, pour a few drops through the nostrils of the baby and draw out the water again with the help of a valve syringe. In this, the mucus accumulated in the nose will come out with that water. As a result, the child will be able to breathe normally.

3. Eucalyptus Oil:

Eucalyptus oil is very effective in relieving nasal congestion and chest phlegm in children. So if children are cold, mix 5-7 drops of eucalyptus oil in the bath water while bathing. Then wash with that water. After bathing, mix 10-12 drops of eucalyptus oil with virgin oil and massage the chest. Then the phlegm of the nose and chest will melt.

4. Tulsi leaves and honey:

Tulsi leaves have been valued for fever and cold since ancient times. If the child has a cold, Tulsi leaf juice and honey should be mixed and fed to the child. It helps cure colds by dissolving nasal mucus and chest phlegm.

5. Steam hot water:

If there is phlegm in the baby's nose or throat, put hot water in a bowl and soak a piece of cloth in that hot water, tear it well and steam the baby's nose and chest. Then the nose will be closed.

6. Keep in the sun

Children should get adequate exposure to the sun when their nose is blocked. Sunlight clears nasal and chest mucus and cold helps to heal quickly.

Also, never give cold water to the baby if he is cold. Kusum Kusum can be fed with hot water mixed with some lemon juice and honey. It will cure the child's cold quickly.

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