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Amazing Freezing Bubbles!

This view shows the man-made Lake Abraham on the North Saskatchewan River in western Alberta, Canada.

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Monday, 31 December 2018 Christ, 17 Paush 1425 Bengal, 22 Rabius Sunny 1440 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

বিস্ময়কর জমাট বাধা বুদবুদ! 1

Although the picture does not make much sense, it is a view of frozen bubbles of river water. It is truly an exceptional sight.

This view is located on the man-made Lake Abraham on the North Saskatchewan River in western Alberta, Canada. It was created in 1972. It is also named after Silas Abraham.

Basically, a large amount of methane gas is released in this lake. Which is again released in the form of bubbles in the water. When water freezes in winter, these bubbles get stuck with it. Due to which this coagulation barrier bubbles are formed. It looks very strange.

Data: Courtesy of

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