Categories: Picturesque

The story of some of the strangest churches in the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk Jesus Christ's birthday was celebrated. The whole world seems to be in the mood of the festival. The church was thronged by common people regardless of caste and religion. Find out today the story of some of the strangest churches in the world!

Candle lighting prayer on the birthday of Jesus Christ on December 25. When you think of a church, a huge hall room appears before your eyes. Rows of benches are there. In front of it is a place of prayer and a large statue of Jesus Christ. But you know what? There are various churches of strange shapes scattered in different parts of the world. One is hard to find the entrance to, while the other's craftsmanship amazes you. Let's take a look at those strange churches.

Las Lajas Cathedral in Colombia, South America

As if seeing the eyes close. How was the construction of such a mountain evidence strangely beautiful cathedral! It's really amazing to think about. This cathedral was built in 1916 on the canal of Guettara river. According to the locals, the Virgin Mary appeared in this river. That is why the cathedral was built here.

The Church of Hallgrimmar in Iceland

The Lutheran Parish Church is one of the 4 tallest monuments in Iceland. Its height is 244 feet. The church has been built little by little for 38 long years. The construction of the church started in 1945. Ended in 1986. Samuelson is the mastermind behind this exquisite architecture.

Canada's AB Calgary Davies to Root Out Evil

As strange as the name is, so is its shape. There was no less controversy for this size. Think once, if the size of a prayer place of God is completely reversed, is it really possible to accept it? The same happened in this case. The church looks like it has been overturned by a storm. The church moved from Vancouver to Calgary in 2008 to avoid controversy.

আর্জেন্টিনার বুয়েনস আইরেস’র দ্য গ্রিন চার্চ

When you go to this church, you don't want to come home. It is a duty to turn your eyes away from the beautiful green. The entire church wall is covered with bamboo leaves. This fact makes it even more unique. Don't forget to visit this church when you visit the country of Maradona and Leolen Messi.

Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russia

Many people may have seen Disney World on video or in pictures. This church in Moscow is reminiscent of Disney World. One of the attractions of the capital of Russia is the Cathedral of St. Basil. This church was built between 1555 and 1561. It is said that the architect of this church located in Red Square was blinded, so that he could never build such an unprecedented church! But it is said that the architect built several churches even after becoming blind!

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৯, ২০১৮ 7:04 pm

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