The Dhaka Times Desk He introduced himself as a 'Psychic Astrologer'. Her claim about herself is that she was the queen of Egypt in her previous birth. In this birth he is known as Nicolas Aujula. This 'miraculous power' has predicted about 2019.
According to international media reports, 33-year-old Nicolas Aujula is a resident of London. He is quite popular with the media as a 'miracle power'. He tells about himself, the essence of which is this - he can remember several of his previous births. He gets hints of the future in dreams.
Nicholas Aujula recently made some predictions about 2019. Let's take a look at some of its points:
# He said Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will have a baby girl in the spring of 2019.
# singer Taylor Swift will announce her engagement.
# He said, pop star Madonna would be badly criticized for service work.
Nicholas' predictions are mainly about celebrities. Nicholas also said about himself, since he was 17 years old, he has been remembering his various previous births. He was a transgender soldier in England during the Saxon period. Sometimes he is also reborn as an animal. In his mind, he is born as a deer and born as a lion. He was born once as a doctor in Africa, once as a spy for the Ottoman Empire. But most of all she remembers her birth as Queen of Egypt.
The biggest event in the life of his future-narrator is that he predicted the date of Syria-crisis. He claimed that he saw the word 'Syria' in his dreams.
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১, ২০১৯ 9:24 pm
দি ঢাকা টাইমস্ ডেস্ক ॥ ছিপছিপে থাকার উদ্দেশ্যে একমাত্র বাহ্যিক সৌন্দর্যেই শান দেওয়া মোটেও নয়।…
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