The Dhaka Times Desk The movie "Man of Steel" that stirred the world Bangladesh At Star Cineplex It was released on June 28. After its release, the film gained popularity among many viewers. "Man of Steel" was released worldwide on June 14. This is the first film to be released in Bangladesh in such a short period of time.
Online magazine Dhaka Tribune Star Cineplex Marketing Division Senior Manager Mesba Uddin said, "Man of Steel" is the first film to be released in Bangladesh in such a short period of time after its international release. We bought this film directly from Warner Bros., which is also the first in Bangladesh. We have a lot of expectations about this film, we hope that the audience will be there to watch this film in the next month. Going forward, we will try to provide our audience with international releases within a week of their release.”
"Man of Steel" mentioned here was released on June 14, 2013. The film is basically a superhero.super man” is built around. He played the role of Superman in it Henry Cavill. Acted as a co-artist with Cavill Amy Adams. Jack Sander is the director of the film and Christopher Nolan is the producer. The process of making the film has been started since 2008.
Clark Kent is a journalist in the movie “Man of Steel”. Coming from Krypton as a child, Clark was adopted by his foster parents at a very young age. Foster parents are known as Clark parents. He grew up among them. As he grows up, he realizes his super powers. But he never used them for any evil purpose. He knew that this power of his would one day determine the fate of the human race. His idea came true. Earth is attacked by aliens. The overall situation became dire. Superman, Clark comes forward to save the world. This is how the story of "Man of Steel" goes.