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Rat trunk: Go-grass swallowed a thousand liters of wine!

This incident of mice swallowing 1000 liters of liquor happened in Uttar Pradesh, India

The Dhaka Times Desk It's really a rat. It's really hard to find such a rat. Now a rat has been found that has swallowed a thousand liters of wine in the rat go-grass!

ইঁদুরের কাণ্ড: গো-গ্রাসে গিলে ফেললো এক হাজার লিটার মদ! 1

One can never not be surprised to hear such words. Can rats ever drink alcohol? At least that's what the police are saying! It's really a rat. It's really hard to find such a rat. Now a rat has been found that has swallowed a thousand liters of wine in the rat go-grass!

This incident of mice swallowing 1000 liters of liquor happened in Uttar Pradesh, India. According to media reports, more than 1,000 liters of seized liquor have been eaten by rats. This is what the Uttar Pradesh Police of the country has claimed. The incident of Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly Cantonment Police Station came to the fore last week.

Uttar Pradesh Police said, a few days ago, a dog entered the warehouse. Then he died there. The door of the shed was then opened last week to remove the body of the dead dog. As soon as the door is opened, it can be seen that several gallon (more than a thousand liters) bottles of liquor seized from various illegal shops in the last few months are completely empty.

As soon as this news came out, the police put the blame on the rat. After the incident came to light, Cantonment Police Station Head Clerk Naresh Pal said that he was the first to notice the incident after opening the door of the shop. He said that he saw many rats roaming around the liquor bottles.

Naresh, head clerk of the cantonment police station in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India, said that after confiscation of liquor, the rule is to destroy it within a few months. He has written many times to the upper echelon about this. But still no instructions came from the upper echelon.

But Bareilly Superintendent of Police Abhinandan Singh has ordered an inquiry into the incident to find out whether it was really a rat attack or there was some other reason behind it. A proper investigation may reveal the true facts. In fact, it can be understood whether it is the work of a mouse or a human.

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