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New Year's Eve: Dive into the water to welcome the New Year 2019!

A video of this incident of the young man of Bahadur Ganj in Lalbandh of Bishnupur in India was captured on a mobile phone.

The Dhaka Times Desk When the new year comes, various arrangements are made. Again, it is organized at the personal level in various ways. A person showed a novel approach this year. Dive into the water to welcome the new year 2019!

বর্ষ বরণে অভিনব পন্থা: নতুন সালকে স্বাগত জানাতে ২০১৯ বার পানিতে ডুব! 1

When the new year comes, various arrangements are made. Again, it is organized at the personal level in various ways. A person showed a novel approach this year. Dive into the water to welcome the new year 2019!

A young man named Sadananda Dutta took a dip in the cold water 2019 times to welcome the new year. This novel incident happened at a place called Bahadur Ganj in Lalbandh, Bishnupur, India.

A video of this incident of the young man of Bahadur Ganj in Lalbandh of Bishnupur in India was captured on the mobile phone. Later it went viral on social media.

According to Indian media sources, that young man Sadananda Dutta is a swimmer. He is also popularly known as 'Pankaudi' in his area.

Sadananda Dutta took 48 minutes to dive 2019 times. Sadananda said, 'My aim is to conquer the world.' So every year I take a dip in the water according to the year. He also told local journalists that he will continue his activities in the future. Sadananda Dutt's only target now is to set a world record in this regard. He wants to write his name in the Guinness Book of Records. So he dived into the cold water even in this winter.

Sadananda Dutta is also well known to the locals. Locals said about Sadananda Dutta, the incident of that young man (Sadananda Dutta) is not new. Previously, since 2016, he has been doing the same thing on the first day of the year. He did this 4 times. At the beginning of the year, the people of the area got excited about Sadanand Dutta. Because everyone knows that Sadananda will do something like this on the first day of the year. Therefore, the area is very well decorated. Thousands of eager people thronged the banks of the pond. Everyone is very happy to see this act of Sadananda. That is why Sadananda is a widely known person in the area.

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