The Dhaka Times
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'Jealousy' is the 8th production of 'Pranganemore' theater group.

The story of the poetic drama 'Jealousy' is so wide and full of conflicts from life to life that it is indescribable.

The Dhaka Times Desk The 8th production of 'Pranganemore' theater troupe Syed Shamsul Haque's poetry play 'Irsha' today 5th January at 7 pm in the main hall of National Theater of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.

‘প্রাঙ্গণেমোর’ নাট্যদলের ৮ম প্রযোজনা ‘ঈর্ষা’ 1

Noona Afroz, one of the actresses of the play 'Irsha', said that after almost a year, she is coming back to the stage with this work. The play was directed by Anant Hira. Apart from Noona Afroz, it also stars Ramij Raju and Anant Hira.

Stage Planning - Shahinur Rahman, Lighting by Zillur Rahman, Music by Ramiz Raju and Costume Design by Noona Afroz.

The story of the poetic play 'Irsha' is so wide and full of conflicts from life to life that it is indescribable. Along with that, there is love, love between man and man and artist with artist; There is another essential and very secret matter of human life - it is called physical relationship or sex. There is also the value of the liberation war.

Playwright Syed Shamsul Haque said that 'If love deceives, art will shelter me. Who can afford to take away my art?'

Director Anant Hira said about the play 'Irsha', 'It has only 7 dialogues and 3 characters. The length of the longest dialogue is 36 minutes and the shortest dialogue is 16 minutes. It can be said without a doubt that the experiment of writing plays in such a structure has not been done before in Bengali language.

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