The Dhaka Times Desk At various stages of life we let others use the things we use. That is, we share what one uses. Should you let others use all the things you use?
Remember it does us more harm than good. Today we will know which things we should not let others use.
There are always different types of germs living in the ear. If someone else is using the earphones you are using, their ear germs can infect your ears through the earphones. So it is better not to let others use earphones that you use yourself.
Usually girls like to wear other's beautiful earrings while going to various events. But if your pendant is used by someone else, it can carry various germs and even various infectious diseases. So don't give any earrings that you used to others.
When the lipstick or lipgel you use is used by someone else, various types of germs are transferred to that lipstick or lipgel. And when you use that lipstick or lip gel, the blood vessels of your lips can easily reach your whole body and cause serious damage.
Many of us leave the soap without washing it properly after showering. As a result, various germs of the soap user's body stick to the soap. Moreover, if the soap is kept wet, the ants are active. As a result, when you use that soap, those germs can nest in your body. So use your own soap or wash well and keep in dry place.
The towels you use should never be shared with others. Because different diseases of other's body can easily be transferred to your body through germs.
The water pot or glass you use should not be shared with others. Because various germs in his mouth can be transmitted to your mouth through this pot or glass.
So make some changes in your lifestyle from today. Explain your problem to others sincerely. Then your relationship will be fine and you will be protected from various diseases.
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৬, ২০১৯ 11:09 am
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