Categories: tutorial

What is Facebook Profile Picture Guard and why to use it

The Dhaka Times Desk Many countries including Bangladesh especially women don't set their original picture as profile picture on Facebook. They have several reasons. One of them is that these profile pictures of girls are downloaded by some dishonest people and used for various evil purposes.

Many times it is seen that some people use that picture to open a fake ID with the same name and make various kinds of bad posts. And the blame has to be taken on that woman in the profile picture. Due to all these reasons girls nowadays don't want to post her real picture on Facebook profile. Facebook has profile picture guard as a solution to this problem for many women around the world.

If you set your profile picture using this option, no one can download, share, send as a message, etc. your profile picture. As a result, no one else can use your profile picture to trouble you.

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Enabling this option will show a blue border around your profile picture. That means your profile picture is now protected. So let's learn how to set profile picture guard on your profile picture.

1. First login your facebook id.
2. Then access your profile.
3. Click on your profile picture.
4. After clicking on the profile picture, you will see an Option named at the bottom right side of the picture
There are icons. Click on write that option.
5. After clicking on write option a menu will open. From there Turn On Profile Picture
Click on the text Guard.
6. Then click on Save text.

Now a blue border will appear around your profile picture. That means your profile picture is protected. Not only women but any person can make a guard system in his profile picture like this.

If you want to turn off the picture guard of your profile picture, then use the same method as before where you clicked on Turn On Profile Picture Guard, from there click on Turn off Profile Picture Guard and click on Yes.

So from now on everyone can download, share and send your profile picture as a message.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৭, ২০১৯ 10:03 pm

Raihan Malitha

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