What you need to do before buying and selling old phones

The Dhaka Times Desk Generally we don't want to use a phone for a long time. After a few days, I want to use another phone model again. And this is why we sell our old phones and buy new models.

There are many people who can't afford a new phone and buy a used phone at a low price. But have you ever thought that buying someone's used phone or selling your used phone to someone else can cause so much trouble? Today we will know what to do when buying or selling an old phone? Or what you need to do to avoid further trouble.

Things to do when buying an old phone:

Buying a phone from someone you know is not that much of a hassle, but there are a few things you must be careful about when buying a phone online or from a stranger.

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1. Check original documents:

Whether you buy a phone from a stranger or an acquaintance, try to get the original documents of the phone from him. Because buying a stolen or lost phone will put you in serious trouble. So only the original owner of this phone can provide you the original documents. As a result, you don't have to worry about owning your phone.

2. Check the phone software:

Many root the phone within days of purchase. The problem in this case is that despite the warranty of the phone, the service centers do not fix the phone for any problem of the phone. Also, check whether the various software of the phone is working properly.

3. Hardware check:

Usually nothing can be understood from the phone, but sometimes there is a problem with the phone's hardware. So check whether the head phone socket, charger socket, mouth speaker, loud speaker, hair speaker, camera, sensor etc. are working properly.

4. Battery Check:

The most important thing in the phone is the battery. Check if the battery is swollen or if the battery or phone is overheating while using video or net on the phone. Because the phone will heat up only if there is a problem with the phone or the battery.

5. Reset the phone:

When buying a phone from someone, you must reset the phone. Also unlock all locked options. Then you will be completely risk free.

What to do while selling the phone:

Many people hand over the phone to the buyer leaving only the SIM card and memory card open while selling the phone. But if you call in this way, your important contact number, SMS, and all the data stored in the phone memory will go to the buyer. As a result, various problems may arise later.

Therefore, before selling the phone to anyone known or unknown, move all the data of your phone, especially the contact numbers, SMS and any important notes and all the files of the phone memory to your external memory card. Then remove the SIM and memory card and perform a full reset on your phone. Now you can undoubtedly hand over the phone to the buyer.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৪, ২০২০ 3:17 pm

Raihan Malitha

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