Categories: entertainment

Actress Mimi's comments for dogs are exciting

The Dhaka Times Desk Dog slaughter at NRS hospital in India has sparked outrage. A debate has started in that state over the matter. Meanwhile, actress Mimi's comments for dogs have created tension.

কুকুরের জন্য অভিনেত্রী মিমির মন্তব্যে উত্তেজনা 1কুকুরের জন্য অভিনেত্রী মিমির মন্তব্যে উত্তেজনা 1

Mimi, the popular actress of Bengali films in India, has come under criticism for going against the demand for a dog-free environment. He posted a post against dog killing. And with that post, it is as if he is trapped. A lot of criticism has started against him. He is still silent though. Didn't reply to anyone.

Dog slaughter at NRS hospital in India has sparked outrage. A debate has started in that state over the matter. Meanwhile, actress Mimi's comments for dogs have created tension.

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A number of celebrities have come out against the killing of puppies in India. Actress Mimi Chakraborty is among the stars who have joined the protest against puppy beating. However, she did not go down the road, but through her social handle, this popular actress of Tollywood protested the incident. And while protesting as if trapped!

Commenting on the dog killing, Mimi said, 'Those who brutally beat these puppies to death should also be beaten.'

As a celebrity, he has said that it is absolutely not appropriate for him to say such things. However, he commented that he could not say anything more than that at this time.

Many controversies have already started in various circles around the post of this popular Tollywood actress. However, in view of this, Mimi has not yet opened her mouth. There are many comments about him.

2 girl accused in NRS dog killing case got bail. They got bail with 2 thousand taka register surety and 2 thousand taka local surety. However, they were not released from jail on the bail day (Wednesday) night.

According to the news of Zee News, on the other hand, the nurses of NRS started protesting from that afternoon (Wednesday) demanding a dog-free campus. They urged the concerned to accept the demand of dog-free campus.

It is to be noted that this movement started last week in the country over dog killing. However, many are playing a vocal role against this killing.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ১৭, ২০১৯ 5:44 pm

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