Categories: Picturesque

42 days of the year that the village people do not speak!

The Dhaka Times Desk Himachal Pradesh is a small state in North India. The people of this village do not speak for 42 days at a certain time of the year in this state of the country!

In 1971, Himachal Pradesh emerged as the eighteenth state of the Republic of India under the State Act. This is Goshal village in Kullu district of Manali, Himachal Pradesh. Residents of this village do not speak for 42 days from January 14th to February 25th. Apart from Goshal, this practice is also prevalent in Burua, Shanag and Kulang villages.

The residents of Majhach, Palchan, Kothi, Rua villages in Himachal Pradesh also believe that these 42 days are a matter of keeping silence. In villages like Solang and Rua, the agricultural activities of the two villages are also closed with silence!

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This custom is introduced from the time of Makar Sankranti in the month of Magha. But why are the residents of these villages silent for 42 days? That question may come up.

According to some of those villages, during this time, after deep meditation, God returns to heaven. And in order not to face difficulties on the way to heaven, that is why this practice is in place. But there is also a myth about this matter.

It is said that Rishi Gautama was doing penance by the river Bipasha. This arrangement is made so that his penance is not broken. There is also an ancient temple here. The temple was closed after worshiping at Lohri on the day of Makar Sankranti.

Apart from Gautama Rishi, the temple also has idols of Vedavyas and Kanchana Naga. This temple in Manali's Goshal village is also closed for tourists during this time. The priest said that no worship is performed in the temple.

After the 25th of February, the temple opens again. There is also a myth about this. If a flower is lying on the floor of the temple at that time, it is considered auspicious for the villages.

If there are pieces of coal lying there, it is assumed that an accident like fire can happen in the village within 5 days.

However, scientists say different things. They said that the temple opens only when there is a glimpse of sun in these snow-covered places. So much snow falls in these places that in winter there is no activity among local residents. Feeling very tired most of the time. So there is almost no opportunity to talk or leave the house.

However, even if they sit quietly, the village people listen to music on headphones, go for a walk, and do housework. The villagers do not give any opportunity to talk to any tourist.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২০, ২০১৯ 3:45 pm

Staff reporter

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