The Dhaka Times Desk Do you want to buy air? So why the delay? Get a bowl of air for $30! Fiva restaurant in the northern Italian city of Castelfranco Veneto is sold out!
You may also be surprised to hear such words. Because air is something that cannot be grasped. How can the air be caught in the bowl? How will this wind be sold? Such questions are running in your mind and that is normal. So how will this air be sold? This question will also be answered. And to get the answer you have to read the whole article. Only then can you understand the matter clearly. So what air do you want to buy? So why the delay? Come to Italy. Because that's where the air is being sold. Get a bowl of air for $30! Fiva restaurant in the northern Italian city of Castelfranco Veneto is sold out!
You may never have thought that air could ever be sold again. But everything seems to be changing with time. Like this time really selling air! Air is something that is invisible but palpable. This element is an essential element for human survival. However, the restaurant in Italy is serving this invisible ingredient suitable for human consumption.
Fiva, a restaurant in the northern Italian city of Castelfranco Veneto, recently announced that they will be serving customers 'fried' air in a special process. Which is named 'Area Frita' or in one word 'Fried Air'. This novel announcement has created quite a stir on social media in the net world.
Now the question may arise in your mind - how to feed the air? In response to a question from a local journalist, the head chef of the restaurant said, 'The root of the tapioca plant (it is a type of Italian vegetable) will be boiled first. Then it will be mixed with the weight of the air component and fried for 10 minutes! Because of which it will become mushy and taste different. Then it will be served to customers. It is said that each bowl will cost 30 US dollars.
This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ২১, ২০১৯ 10:48 am
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