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Harmful chemicals in the purchase receipt of the shop!

Presently departmental stores offer printed receipts

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that nowadays departmental stores give receipts after purchase. But many of us do not know that there are harmful chemicals in the purchase receipt of the store.

দোকানের ক্রয় রশিদে ক্ষতিকর রাসায়নিক! 1

We know that nowadays departmental stores give receipts after purchase. But many of us do not know that there are harmful chemicals in the purchase receipt of the store.

Nowadays many modern systems are being introduced to keep up with the technology. Presently departmental stores offer printed receipts. But scientists have found harmful chemicals in almost all types of printed receipts.

According to a new study by the Michigan Ecology Center, printed receipts contain harmful chemicals that can alter human hormones and harm the fetus. Such serious health risks were found after a study of printed receipts from various stores in the United States.

Store workers who regularly handle receipts or thermal paper are also at high risk, the researchers said. The researchers said that the harmful chemicals present in the printed part of the receipt penetrate the skin through touch.

This study was conducted on about 204 receipts collected from different types of businesses. It is said that BPA or BPS was found as a harmful chemical in the paper of those receipts. After-shift urine and blood tests of store cashiers show higher levels of BPA and BPS than the general population. The researchers said that 75 percent BPS and 18 percent BPA were observed in the receipts collected in the study.

The chief researcher of this research group said that businesses should use new types of chemical-free printing paper instead of using this type of paper.

The researchers also suggested increasing the use of e-mail receipts instead of printed receipts. The researchers have also suggested wearing gloves while using the printed receipt, washing hands after handling the receipt or folding it instead of directly touching the printed part of the receipt.

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