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Contact with pigeons can cause death!

A type of fungal infection called 'Cryptococcus' occurs from pigeon droppings

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us breed pigeons. We nurture pigeons with care. But contact with these pigeons can cause death! Everyone is shocked by such news.

কবুতরের সংস্পর্শে মানুষের মৃত্যুও হতে পারে! 1

There are many people who keep pigeons as hobby in our country. They come in contact with pigeons in various ways to care for them in daily life. But a new information is that contact with this pigeon can cause various diseases in your body! Even death can happen to you!

According to media reports, the recent death of a child at a hospital in Glasgow has been attributed to an inflammation associated with pigeon droppings.

According to the published news, a child was admitted to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital with a problem. While in the hospital, a type of fungal infection called 'Cryptococcus' occurred in the child's body from pigeon droppings. A new type of disease arises from it. It is also found in soil exposed to pigeon droppings.

It is believed that the pigeon droppings may have entered the room through a very small hole in the hospital room where the child is kept. The child died from that inflammation. However, experts say, this particular inflammation does not spread from person to person.

Not only fungal infections, pigeon droppings can cause several other diseases in the human body. For example, there can be a type of flu, one of which is 'cytacosis'. Fever, headache, rash are the common symptoms of this disease. Sometimes this problem can even lead to pneumonia.

Flu can cause an inflammation of the lungs called histoplasmosis. Salmonella bacteria can infect the human body which usually causes diarrhea.

Especially those with a very low immune system or those who are already vulnerable with a physical problem like this child are more likely to get infected. Moreover, children's immune system is also low.

It has been reported that most cases of infection occur when cleaning up pigeon droppings. The particles floating in the air during defecation enter the body with breath. While feeding or petting pigeons, you can also get this disease by touching the feces.

That is why pigeons should not be allowed to accumulate too much excrement in the cage. When cleaning the pigeon house, the nose and mouth must be covered with something. If pigeon or other bird droppings come in contact with the body, it should be cleaned very carefully. All in all pigeon owners need to be more aware. Because disease never belongs to anyone.

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