The Dhaka Times
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Singer Nancy left Facebook!

He opened multiple accounts on Facebook to communicate with fans and acquaintances

The Dhaka Times Desk Today's popular singer Nancy has left Facebook. Before hanging up, he says, 'I'm so sick, time is wasted and so is privacy. So I left.'

ফেসবুক থেকে বিদায় নিলেন কণ্ঠশিল্পী ন্যান্সি! 1

Nancy is a popular singer of today. He often appears in the headlines of the news media. Sometimes due to family or marital discord, sometimes due to some other reason, this popular singer has been in the news headlines. Discussions about him have started again. The music star has now closed his Facebook account.

Before hanging up, he says, 'I'm so fed up, time is wasted and so is privacy. So I left.'

He opened multiple accounts on Facebook to communicate with fans and acquaintances. But in the end, this musician has decided not to be on Facebook.

ফেসবুক থেকে বিদায় নিলেন কণ্ঠশিল্পী ন্যান্সি! 2

Even though the original account has been closed, many fake IDs are still active in Nancy's name. Which he himself does not use. So fans can be fooled into thinking all these IDs and pages are Nancy's.

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