Categories: Picturesque

Research says that the next century will change the color of the sky!

The Dhaka Times Desk The sky of the world is gradually changing color. Seas and oceans are also changing colors. It has been commented that the sky of the world will not be blue in the next century. Such information has emerged from research.

The sky of the world is gradually changing color. Seas and oceans are also changing colors. It has been commented that the sky of the world will not be blue in the next century. Such information has emerged from research.

Not only the color of the sky, but also the color of the sea, the ocean will change. Our beloved planet will no longer look blue from space, scientists said.

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This sad news was given by a research paper from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The research paper states that the world's climate is changing at a very fast rate due to warming. Due to which the color of the sea, the upper layer of the ocean is also changing rapidly. That is why the sky of the earth will lose its glory in the next century. The beautiful blue color of the sky will be lost. The research paper appeared in the latest issue of the international science-journal 'Nature-Communications'.

According to the study, the microscopic organisms of the seas and oceans, called 'phytoplankton', have been greatly affected by rapid climate change. This has the effect of changing the color of the sea and ocean. This is because certain species of phytoplankton can absorb a particular type of light in the sunlight spectrum. Other species cannot.

Principal Research Scientist Stephanie Datkiewicz of MIT, the original researcher, said that, 'It will be understood at the time of stepping into the next century, how much the color of all the seas or oceans of the world has changed. Which means, within 80 years, 50 percent of the world's seas and oceans will change color completely.

The reason for this is that water molecules can absorb all the colors of the sunlight spectrum except blue. Phytoplankton species that now dominate the oceans have pigments in their bodies that absorb less of the green color of the spectrum and reflect more of it.

Researcher Datkiewicz said, 'In subtropical areas where the sea or ocean water is blue, the color will become much darker as the species of phytoplankton changes. Due to which the color of the ocean there will become dark blue instead of blue. Where the seas and oceans are green near the poles, it will become darker.'

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ৯, ২০১৯ 3:53 pm

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