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The auto driver returned the bag of 10 lakh rupees!

প্রসাদ এবং কিশোর নামে দুই ব্যক্তি রামালুর অটোতে ভুল করে নগদ ১০ লক্ষ টাকার একটি ব্যাগ ফেলে রেখে চলে গিয়েছিলেন

The Dhaka Times Desk The family runs on lack. He is burdened with debt. What is it? At the same time, after getting 10 lakh rupees, he returned it to the owner. The incident happened in India.

অটো ড্রাইভার হাতে পেয়েও ১০ লক্ষ টাকার ব্যাগ ফিরিয়ে দিলেন! 1

That person earns only 500 taka per day by driving an auto. While buying that auto, the burden of a large amount of debt is pressed on the head. Forced to carry out the education of two children, his wife also has to work as a laborer.

Despite this, an auto driver in Telangana returned the bag of 10 lakh rupees found in the auto. The name of the auto driver is known to be J Ramalu.

According to media sources, two persons named Prasad and Kishore mistakenly left a bag of Rs 10 lakh in cash in Ramalur's auto. Ramalu said that he was a bit nervous at first when he opened the bag and saw so many notes.

Immediately, from the auto stand of Jubilee Bus Stand in Secunderabad, he drove the Padimari auto and returned to Gachiboli area, where the two passengers got down from the auto.

On reaching the area by auto, Ramalu saw the two men seeking help from the local police and scrambling to find the bag. Ramalu returned the bag full of money to the two men in the presence of the police officials. Happy with Ramalu's honesty, the two men also gifted him 10,000 rupees. But he is specially thanked because nowadays such honest people are not common in the eyes.

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