The 15th edition of BASIS SoftExpo is starting on March 19

The Dhaka Times Desk Softexpo 2019, the 15th base exhibition of the country's information and communication technology sector, is starting on March 19 with the slogan Technology for Prosperity. It will continue till March 21.

Softexpo 2019, the 15th base exhibition of the country's information and communication technology sector, is starting on March 19 with the slogan Technology for Prosperity. It will continue till March 21.

This information was given in a press conference organized on the occasion of this 3-day exhibition organized at the International Convention City Bashundhara (ICCB).

Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) organized this press conference yesterday (Saturday). The press conference was attended by BASIS President Syed Almas Kabir, Senior Vice President and Convener of BASIS SoftExpo 2019 Farhana A. Rahman, Vice President (Administration) Shoaib Ahmed Masood and Vice President (Finance) Mushfiqur Rahman.

It was informed at the press conference that this year, the largest exhibition of information technology organized by BASIS will have the opportunity to display products and services for about two and a half hundred local and foreign information and communication technology companies.

It is reported that this exhibition area has been divided into 10 zones. Moreover, the new addition of Industry 4.0 Zone and Experience Zone will highlight the potential of Bangladesh's IT sector. There will be Women Zone, VAT Zone, Digital Education Zone, Fintech Zone and like always this time too there will be Software Services Exhibition Zone, Innovative Mobile Services Zone, Digital Commerce Zone, ITES and BPO Zone. In addition, there will be more than 30 information and communication technology seminars, where more than a hundred domestic and foreign information and communication technology experts will speak.

BASIS exhibition Softexpo 2019 will have a B-to-Ubi matchmaking session for domestic and foreign businessmen, through which businessmen can expand their business very easily. A corporate hour will also be organized, where more than five hundred corporate high officials will participate. There is an ICT career camp for the students and a gaming fest as usual.

About Basis SoftExpo 2019, Basis President Syed Almas Kabir said that this expo is organized for the expansion of software companies in the country. About 250 companies will participate. The main goal of this exhibition is to demonstrate the ability of the country's software to meet its own needs and create confidence.

Farhana A Rahman, convenor of Basis SoftExpo 2019, said that the vision of Digital Bangladesh is being realized because our information technology sector is moving forward. We will highlight the capabilities of Bangladesh's IT sector through this event. In this year's event, we have received a lot of response from all over the country. There is a women zone for women entrepreneurs. Every stall will have CV submission facility for students.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৭, ২০১৯ 9:14 am

Staff reporter

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