
How should you behave with colleagues?

The Dhaka Times Desk. A jobber has two families, one is his own family and the other is the office family. Most of the day is spent with the office family. While working with other office workers day after day like this, friendships are formed with some colleagues. In this case more close friendships can also cause problems.

But the bond of friendship is always good. Today we will discuss how to make friends with other office colleagues and how to treat others.

1. Paying attention to the work environment:

Do not treat other employees in the office in a way that spoils the work environment. seen many times. You may have a very good friendship with one. So sometimes he is saying different things to him. Maybe he is spoiling the work environment while answering your words repeatedly. So maintain relationships with colleagues keeping that in mind.

2. Understanding the problems of others:

Don't always look to your advantage at the office. Try to understand how much trouble others are facing because of you. Friendship is about mutual benefit. We often pretend to be oblivious to how much trouble we will cause others for our own benefit. Such mentality must be changed.

3. Do not impose excessive work on others:

Being more close, sometimes I impose several tasks on my colleagues. Even if he gets pleasure from it, the one on whom the responsibility of the work is imposed is upset in his heart. Because now he has to bear the burden of additional work. So try to do your own work.

4. Don't be friends with everyone

Remember one thing, it is never good to be friends with everyone. Being friends with everyone in the office does not maintain your authority. Because everyone sees you as a friend, there will be many problems at work. So decide yourself with whom to be friends and with whom to maintain normal status.

5. Not talking about someone's personal matters:

No matter how familiar or friendly you are in the office, never talk about other people's personal matters in the office. This may upset them and may lower their respect for you. But if one is more intimate and if he is willing to speak freely then one can listen to his personal matter or talk about that matter.

6. Dealing with misunderstandings:

First of all, office means another family outside of family. So misunderstanding, anger will be pride. Therefore, such behavior cannot be done, which destroys the relationship. So one has to face all adverse situations with a cool head and also maintain good relations with everyone.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৪, ২০১৯ 11:20 am

Raihan Malitha

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