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Conflicting statements on the damage caused by the Indian attack

Delhi says it has killed many members of Jaish-e-Mohammed in its surprise operation.

The Dhaka Times Desk Both the countries have different statements regarding the Indian airstrikes on the alleged terrorist hideouts inside Pakistan. Delhi says that they have killed many members of Jaish-e-Mohammed in this surprise operation.

ভারতের হামলার ক্ষয়ক্ষতি নিয়ে পরস্পর বিরোধী বক্তব্য 1

Both the countries have different statements regarding the Indian airstrikes on the alleged terrorist hideouts inside Pakistan. Delhi says that they have killed many members of Jaish-e-Mohammed in this surprise operation.

They attacked the militant group on the suspicion that more militant attacks could be carried out on Indian soldiers in Kashmir.

Pakistan, on the other hand, says that no one was injured in the open field attack. Anti-Indian militants are active inside Pakistan - Islamabad has denied Delhi's allegation.

Pakistan says that it will respond to this attack in time. The European Union and China have called for restraint on the two countries.

India and Pakistan's statements on the attack are as follows:

India says several Indian fighter jets (mainly Mirage 2000s, possibly 12 in number) crossed the Line of Control in Kashmir towards Pakistan at around 3:30 PM Indian time.

Delhi claimed that the target of their attack was a Jaish-e-Mohammed training camp near Balakot in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. This camp is about 80 km away from the Line of Control in the hilly area.

India claimed that the Indian planes were inside Pakistan's airspace for roughly 21 minutes.

Within moments, several Pakistani Air Force planes chased the Indian planes back. But all the Indian planes returned home unharmed.

Before returning home, the Indian jets dropped the bombs they were carrying on Pakistani soil. However, Pakistan says that the Indians chased them and left them in the open - India, on the other hand, says that the bombardment was successful only on specific targets.

After 48 years of the 1971 war, this is the first time that Indian and Pakistani warplanes have faced each other within Pakistan's airspace. India has never violated Pakistan's airspace, at least not officially, during the Kargil war 20 years ago.

It should be noted that for several weeks, the whole world is in a state of fear about the war game between India and Pakistan. The reason is that these two countries are always against each other.
