Categories: Picturesque

The world's blue sea is now becoming green!

The Dhaka Times Desk According to a news report, the blue sea will become much greener. The change will begin to be evident by the end of this century. A group of researchers from Southampton University in Britain said this.

This research paper was recently published in the journal 'Nature'. So what is our blue planet gradually turning into a green planet! But why?

Anna Hickman, one of the members of the research team, said that the algal particles in the sea water are also green called phytoplankton. They make food by using sunlight just like the green plants of Danga. Where their number is less, the sea water is blue. Where the number is high, there is a subjet.

If the current trend of global climate change is not reversed, the planet's temperature may increase by about 3 degrees Celsius by 2100. With warmer water, phytoplankton will increase in number and quantity (biomass). By that, the blue water of the sea will become more green.

With their birth and death, the sea will take on different colors in each season. Scientists say it's not just about looking. How much sunlight the ocean will absorb, how much it will give back - its image will also change.

Of course, not only the temperature but also the decrease or increase of green and other colored organic matter in seawater depends on several other factors such as water current or acidity.

A joint team of British-US scientists said these factors were also taken into account while mapping the change through computer models. The issue of color change comes up on the basis of the information gathered in the last two decades by cameras and other mechanical eyes from artificial satellites orbiting the earth or from the space station.

The Hickmans said the cause was very serious. Chlorophyll in these algae cells accounts for half of all photosynthesis on Earth. They are the primary food source for marine animals. If their amount is greatly reduced or increased, there will be major changes in the ocean's food cycle and carbon cycle. This will create an unknown situation.

The time has not yet come to judge whether that change is actually good or bad for humans and the world's living creatures. But the change is not overnight, but very gradual. This is not something that can be seen with the naked eye.

Which is why now is not the time for artists to change their color palette. However, Hickman and his colleagues believe it is important for scientists to monitor the changes.

This post was last modified on ফেব্রুয়ারি ২৭, ২০১৯ 3:08 pm

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