Categories: entertainment

Nirva's film received wide acclaim in Malaysia

The Dhaka Times Desk Nirab's film 'Banglashia' was released on 106 screens in Malaysia on February 28 after being banned for 5 years. The film grossed 220,000 ringgit on its first day of release. The film is being appreciated by the audience and critics.

The director of this film is also associated with the song. He has directed 5 movies before. But he broke all his past records himself. His previously released films Nessi Lemak grossed 175,000 ringgit and Hantu Gangster grossed 188,000 ringgit on its first day of release.

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In 2014, the Malaysian Film Censorship Board banned the movie 'Banglashia'. As 31 scenes of the film went against the government of Malaysia, the government issued a ban on the film. Then the ban was lifted on February 12 with several cuts and the movie was named 'Banglashia 2.0'. Although not released in Malaysia, the film was screened at the New York Asian Film Festival, Osaka International Film Festival and Singapore International Film Festival.

In the movie 'Banglashiya', Nirwab will sometimes be seen as a cook, sometimes as a motor mechanic, and sometimes as an employee of an organization. According to him, 'This is one of the achievements in film career. If I didn't get the chance to act in such a film, I would have been deprived of a big achievement.'

Singaporean star Atika Suhaimi acted opposite Nirab in the movie 'Banglashia'. The director of this film is also associated with Namewee Gun. He has directed 5 movies earlier.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ২, ২০১৯ 11:59 pm

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