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Things that should not be done in the hospital

There are several rules we need to follow to maintain the hospital environment

The Dhaka Times Desk. He often goes to the hospital when he is sick or to see a patient. Movement of different classes of people is seen. As the main purpose of coming here is to seek treatment or visit a patient. So we need to follow several rules to maintain the hospital environment.

হাসপাতালে গিয়ে যে কাজগুলো করা উচিৎ নয় 1

And when we don't obey the rules of the hospital, its environment will be ruined. Today we will know all the rules that we should follow in the hospital.

1. You should not go to the hospital without any reason.

2. Do not wear perfume when visiting patients or receiving treatment. Because sick patients in the hospital have problems with it
may be

3. Keep the phone on silent when entering the hospital and refrain from using the phone unless it is an emergency. Also on the phone
Go into the space while speaking and speak slowly.

4. Do not smile when visiting patients. This will disturb others including the patient. So keep calm.

5. Every hospital has a specific time to see patients. So try to visit the patient within the specified time. Other than that
Don't misbehave with hospital staff on time.

6. If the patient feels more ill, it is better not to stay there longer.

7. Do not ask or describe the disease to anyone in front of the patient. This can make the patient more weak.

8. If the quality of food in the hospital is bad, do not mention it in front of the patient. This will reduce the patient's interest in food. no
If you feel a problem, you can report it to the authorities.

9. Do not say anything in front of the patient that may make the patient sicker.

10. Do not visit other patients when you are sick. This puts you or the patient at risk of contracting another disease.

11. Do not enter any cabin or ward. So make sure in advance which ward or cabin your patient is in.

12. Do not consume any intoxicants in the hospital.

13. Do not make negative comments about other patients or nurses.

14. Wash hands and feet thoroughly before and after visiting patients.

15. Do not show anger towards others and do not speak loudly inside the hospital under any circumstances.

16. Do not expectorate, spit or throw any object. Cough or spit in designated areas and unnecessary items in the dustbin
throw away

17. Do not visit patients with children. Because children's immunity is low. So there is a possibility of getting any disease

18. Do not try to sit on the patient's bed. Because there is a possibility of disease transmission.

19. Try to have as few people as possible with the patient. If there are more people, the environment of the hospital is ruined.

20. Do not under any circumstances try to wake the patient if he is asleep.

21. The patient is given specific food according to his body condition. So ask the nurse or doctor before feeding other foods

Besides, as a wise person, it is better not to do the things that you don't think is right to do in the hospital.

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