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Pakistan has violated the US Arms Treaty?

Pakistan misused US-made F-16 fighter jets during that fight

The Dhaka Times Desk The US is investigating whether Pakistan violated an arms deal last week in an air standoff with India. The report has already been published.

পাকিস্তান যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের অস্ত্রচুক্তি লঙ্ঘন করেছে? 1

Pakistan misused US-made F-16 fighter jets during that fight. This is the first time since 1971 that India and Pakistan have carried out airstrikes across the Line of Control. This time Pakistan shot down an Indian warplane. A pilot was handed over to New Delhi last Friday after being detained for a few days.

India's complaint is that Pakistan used the US-made F-16 fighter jet that shot down the Indian fighter jet last Wednesday. The Indian Air Force has alleged that the conditions imposed by the US on the purchase of these fighter jets have been violated. Pakistan has denied the allegations of using F-16 fighter jets in that operation.

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