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Do you know how much plastic you are unknowingly eating every day?

Due to which we are causing serious damage to the body without our knowledge

The Dhaka Times Desk You may not have thought about it yourself. But do you know how much plastic you eat every day? If you listen, you will be full!

অজান্তেই আপনি প্রতিদিন কতো প্লাস্টিক খাচ্ছেন জানেন? 1

As the world is becoming modern, the standard of living of people is changing. With the touch of modernity, food is heated in the microwave almost at home. We use plastic containers or boxes to heat food.

Due to which we are causing serious damage to the body without our knowledge. Knowing this, you might increase the use of glassware in the microwave. However, the researchers did not think that it would be such a fruitful work.

A group of UK researchers reported that a 15 to 20 minute meal contains 100 tiny plastic 'particles'. Which goes straight to human stomach when eating. Moreover, 'particles' are also created from the polymers contained in 'soft furnishings' and 'synthetic fibers' around the house.

What the researchers found after the study is truly terrifying. They also said that about 68 thousand 500 types of dangerous plastic fibers enter the body with food! Researchers also think that they can come from dust particles moving around in the environment. There is no doubt that these plastics can cause serious damage to the human body.

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