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Terror attack on mosque in New Zealand: Bangladesh players narrowly escape

The Dhaka Times Desk At least two mosque shootings have occurred in New Zealand's Christ Church. A member of the Bangladesh cricket team narrowly escaped with his life.

নিউজিল্যান্ডে মসজিদে সন্ত্রাসী হামলা: অল্পের জন্য রক্ষা পেলেন বাংলাদেশের খেলোয়াড়রা 1

The Bangladesh cricket team visiting New Zealand had gone to the mosque at the time and were about to enter the mosque when the attack took place. Seeing the situation, they somehow moved away from there. However, it has been reported that all the cricketers are healthy.

Summary of essence

Police say shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, have resulted in 'multiple casualties'.

New Zealand Police Commissioner Mike Bush said 49 people were killed in the attack. More than 20 people were seriously injured.

An official of the Bangladesh Embassy in New Zealand confirmed to the BBC that there are at least 2 Bangladeshi citizens among the dead.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said the incident was one of the "darkest chapters" in her country's history.

Police say that at least four people, including a woman, are in their custody so far. The authorities have ordered the closure of all mosques in the area until further notice.

Meanwhile, it has been informed that the members of the Bangladesh cricket team are safe. The Bangladesh-New Zealand Test scheduled to start tomorrow (March 16) has been cancelled.

It is known that the players of the Bangladesh cricket team who were practicing near Al Noor Mosque were heading towards that mosque when they were warned and they entered a nearby park for safety.

According to reports from New Zealand, they left for the mosque a bit late due to a late start, according to a press conference. Otherwise they might have stayed inside the mosque during the attack.

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