
Techniques that will help increase children's attention

The Dhaka Times Desk Enhancing children's attention in learning is a major problem. Because it is very difficult to explain everything to them. So learn today the techniques that will help children to increase their attention.

Enhancing children's attention in learning is a major problem. Because it is very difficult to explain everything to them. So learn today the techniques that will help children to increase their attention.

# A child should get used to going to school by age 6. Since children love to play more, they should be taught through play. You can teach from 1 to 100 by playing. You can also memorize short poems.

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# Parents need to be creative to develop children's creativity. To increase the child's interest in reading, the first step is to make it a habit to arrange pencils, notebooks, rubbers, scales, bags and reading tables. The reason for arranging the table is that the study table helps to increase the child's interest in studies.

# Baby reading table needs to be unattractive. If it is interesting, children will be more interested in learning. Also, try to keep the child's reading table tidy as much as possible. Your child will also learn to tidy up.

# Because children like colorful things. So you can give bags, notebooks and new color pencil boxes. This will increase the interest of children in learning.

# Children should buy new and colorful bags to increase their attention in going to and from school and studying. Give your child a colorful coloring book and new color pencil box. This will increase his interest in studies. Help him draw and paint different things. It will increase the attention of the child as well as he will gain experience.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১৯, ২০১৯ 2:34 pm

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