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If you cut your hair by 'styling', you will be fined 40,000 taka!

The OC of Bhuyapur police station has called the SHIL members and warned them not to cut their hair and color their beards and mustaches in modeling style, including students and young adults.

The Dhaka Times Desk If you cut your hair by 'styling', you will have to pay a fine of 40,000 taka! And such a law is not in any other country, this law has been issued in an upazila of our country!

‘স্টাইল’ করে চুল ছাঁটলেই জরিমানা গুণতে হবে ৪০ হাজার টাকা! 1

In Bhuyapur of Tangail district, this ban has been imposed on trimming hair, beard and mustache styled after models. The ban was issued by the Barbers' Association (Sheel Association) on the orders of the Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Bhuyapur Police Station Rashidul Islam. It has been announced that the accused member of Shiel will be fined 40 thousand rupees if he violates the ban!

According to the relevant sources, the OC of Bhuyapur police station has called and warned the SHIL members not to cut their hair and color their beards and mustaches in a modeling style, including students and young adults. Later, all the members were informed about this through a notice signed by the president and general secretary of the Upazila Sheel Samiti.

Adviser of Upazila Sheel Association Akhil Chandra Sheel said, 'Under the guidance of the OC, we have stopped cutting hair, beard and mustache by styling. A few days ago, students and youth used to style and cut their hair. Now they are cutting their hair naturally.'

Shekhar Chandra Sheel, President of Bhuyapur Upazila Sheel Samiti said, "The OC of the police station called us and warned us not to style hair, beard and mustache and dye hair of everyone including students and young adults. Apart from this, he also asked not to keep any hair style catalog in the shop. Later, under his guidance, the matter has been informed through a notice to the members of the Upazila Shil Samiti.

He also said, 'If anyone violates this ban, he will have to pay a fine of 40,000 taka. Besides, legal action will be taken against him.'

Bhuyapur Police Station OC Rashidul Islam said, 'The parents of students and youths used to verbally complain to me about the style of hair cutting. Students and youths walk around like scoundrels with stylish haircuts. By doing this they are spoiling the image of the society. They also look quite mismatched. Later this decision was taken after talking to the parents, teachers and the president of the Upazila Sheel Samiti. Legal action will be taken against those who model and dye their beards and mustaches along with haircuts in style.'

In this regard, Upazila Nirbahi Officer Jhotan Chand said, 'I do not know the matter, I cannot comment on this without talking to the OC.'

Upazila Parishad chairman Abdul Halim said, 'I am busy with the election, I don't know about it either.' He refused to give any answer when asked what do you think of the OC's decision.

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