The Dhaka Times
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Mita Noor's son says, 'She was the best mother in the world'

The Dhaka Times Desk Various information has been published in the media about the mysterious death of actress Mita Noor. The postmortem of Mita's body showed signs of injury, but none of Mita's family complained.

Mita Family

A fair investigation was not requested for mysterious reasons, Human Land wrote. Compromise information of two families has been found. In this context, Mita Noor's eldest son Shehzad Noor Priya wrote, "My mother is the most sensitive and intelligent woman I have ever seen." If he was conscious, he would not have done such a thing. Many media have misrepresented him. But I want to be honest with everyone, she had a happy and wonderful family. Disagreements exist in every small family in the world, but here there was nothing so serious. My mother may have had many friends, but I was her best friend. Maybe I never assessed it correctly. Maybe I never realized how much he loved me.

In the last month before her death, mother was depressed about many things. Most of which are very minor matters. He had minor disagreements with many people, including my father and his father and many others. But those are very common differences. He told me everything about it and I always told him, everything will be fine, there is nothing to worry about. But I should have done something else. But then things took a turn for the worse and he probably felt very bad. When Ma felt very bad, he would sleep. He used sleeping pills to sleep longer.

He did the same on the last days of his life. But that night was different. Those sleeping pills took control of everything. I know he didn't do it on his own. But it was due to her depression and reaction to those sleeping pills. Otherwise, he would never have left me and my brother alone even if he gave up everything in the world. He always consulted me before taking any decision. Even if it's a small matter. What he did was not his decision.

I know he loved us all very much. She was, is and will be the best mother in the world. I loved him and always will. He respected my thoughts, dreams, life, ideas even more than himself. If I ever succeed in my life, the entire credit goes to my mother. My mother is still inside me. He always tells me what to do and what not to do.

However, what several television and newspapers have claimed - is not true. My mother was not a weak hearted woman. He was strong, smart, sensitive and a wonderful person. He didn't want what happened. Rather what happened was that he was not aware then. Maybe most of it is my fault because I didn't understand my mother. I think I am not a good boy. But I can say this for sure, what Mom did she didn't do in her mind. Now I can say to mom, 'I love you mom. be in peace Until I meet you, I will visit you every day.' I would encourage the news media to stop writing wrong things to get people's attention. I am compelled to write these because of their stories. I hope the truth will come out one day.

'My mother's unblemished reputation and unblemished character. Everyone knows how happy he was with me, my brother and father. They have been married for 24 years and just two weeks ago we celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary. Mother is a person that I have to find all my life. His teachings, advice, thoughts are enough to guide me and my brother throughout our lives. We both will surely raise his face one day, Inshallah. I love you mom.' These are the words of Mita Noor's son.

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