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The holiest place is Masjid Al Haram

The current area of this mosque is 3,56,800 square meters (88.2 acres).

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Friday, 5 April 2019 Christ, 22 Chaitra 1425 Bengal, 28 Rajab 1440 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

পবিত্রতম স্থান মসজিদ আল হারাম 1

Masjid Al Haram is one of the holiest places in Islamic history. It is the first and longest mosque in the world.

This mosque is the holiest place in the world. This mosque is located in the city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. The mosque is also known as Baitullah. The Kaaba “Kaaba House” of Muslims around the world is located here.

The current area of this mosque is 3,56,800 square meters (88.2 acres). Every year during Hajj, millions of Muslims from different parts of the world come here to visit the Holy Kaaba Sharif. 9,000,000 Muslims can pray together in this mosque, but 40,000 Muslims pray during Hajj.

There are a total of 9 minarets in this mosque. The height of the minarets is 292 feet. The main attractions of Masjid Al Haram are the Kaaba House, Hazret Aswad, Maqam Ibrahim, Safa-Marwa and Zamzam Well.

It may be noted that the Qabaghar has been rebuilt/renovated a total of 12 times.

Info: Wikipedia & Image: Courtesy of Fiveprime.

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