The Dhaka Times Desk. As a parent of a child, your biggest responsibility is to encourage the child to do good by preventing him from doing bad. Currently, with the development of information technology, teenagers and young adults are becoming addicted to the Internet. Most of the children are getting addicted to bad things instead of good things.
Usually, parents do not allow or prevent their child from being exposed to the Internet, thinking that their child will know the world better and learn something new. But most children do the opposite. Getting involved in various anti-social activities including accessing various immoral sites, playing games all day, watching various pornographic images or videos.
It is also not right to completely remove the child from online. Because online is virtual teacher. If you want to know the unknown, you can learn about it in a very short time. However, it is not always possible to stay behind the child. Again it doesn't look good either. Even if you don't keep track properly, there may be danger. So to prevent bad site visits online, you have to be a little more strategic.
For this you can use parental control system or various online protection antivirus. There are several antiviruses available in the market with parental controls, but 'Rive Antivirus' developed by Bangladeshi technology company Reeve Systems has the most advanced features. It includes category-based blocking in addition to any site blocking from the browser; Where there are more than half a hundred categories including adult, gambling etc.
As a result, you can easily block specific sites or specific categories of content. This means that your child will not be able to visit any blocked sites or content in blocked categories using that device. You can also block according to specific time if you want. That means your child will not be able to visit those sites while you block them.
And modern age children are so smart that they delete the history after a site visit so that the parents can't see the sites they are visiting later. But you can also be smarter if you want. The biggest advantage of Rev Antivirus is that you can keep an eye on your child's laptop or desktop in surveillance mode without blocking any sites. Your child won't understand it and you won't have to block any site.
Turn on surveillance mode and select any category of your choice. Now whenever your child visits a site with that selected category, a notification will come on your phone. Now you can hold your baby. But instead of giving him any severe punishment for this, explain the evils of visiting those sites. You will see that he will gradually stop accessing those sites.
Remember, if you don't give him a big punishment, then it will be seen that because he can't visit those sites on his home laptop, a friend or a cyber cafe will visit those sites again.
So explain well without punishing. Then your child will be fine. He will also encourage his friends to be good.
This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৭, ২০১৯ 9:05 am
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