do it yourself

Things to do in preparation for storms

The Dhaka Times Desk This year, a lot of storms and rains have started before the start of Baisakh. Not only is it raining, but storms, hail and lightning are also occurring. There have also been cases of loss of life across the country due to storms and lightning. Forget the things that can't be done during a storm.

This year, a lot of storms and rains have started before the start of Baisakh. Not only is it raining, but storms, hail and lightning are also occurring. There have also been cases of loss of life across the country due to storms and lightning. Forget the things that can't be done during a storm.

People are facing severe damage due to the storm. That's why you must be careful during storms. Otherwise it will not be possible to reduce the loss of life. But many people get scared during the storm. And then you don't understand what to do and what not to do. Whether you're indoors or outdoors during a storm, there are a few tips you need to know to stay safe. Knowing these things can save you from a major accident.

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Let's know the things that cannot be done at all even during storms. Find out today:

# First, take shelter in places where the intensity of the storm will be less severe.

# Avoid old houses or risky walls.

# Avoid driving during storms. Find a safe place and park there.

# can move to a safe place even if the dust is high.

# If outdoors during a storm, take shelter under a sturdy building.

# can wear goggles or mask for safety during storms.

# Cover glass doors and windows with curtains when storms begin.

# Close the windows and doors of the house as soon as you see the beginning of the storm.

# Completely switch off all electrical connections in the house.

# Never charge mobile phones during storms.

# Do not leave the house unless absolutely necessary during a storm.

# Take special care with children.

# Keep enough dry food, water and medicine in the room.

# Keep the house documents in waterproof files.

# Keep candles or a battery-powered light handy during storms.

This post was last modified on এপ্রিল ৯, ২০১৯ 12:43 pm

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