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A nurse changed 5,000 children in 12 years under the influence of a monster!

Nurse Elizabeth worked in that hospital in Zambia from 1983 to 1995

The Dhaka Times Desk A nurse in Zambia changed 5,000 babies in 12 years under the influence of a demon! He is currently dying of terminal cancer!

দৈত্যের প্রভাবে ১২ বছরে ৫ হাজার বাচ্চা বদল করেছেন এক নার্স! 1

A nurse in Zambia changed 5,000 babies in 12 years under the influence of a demon! He is currently dying of terminal cancer!

A nurse named Elizabeth Balwa Mewa worked as a nurse at the University Teaching Hospital in Zambia, a country on the African continent. Worked in the maternity department of that hospital for 12 years. Recently, he created a stir with a confession of his activities on social media. People of the net world were surprised to hear his confession.

According to a published news, nurse Elizabeth worked in that hospital in Zambia from 1983 to 1995. He himself said that in these long 12 years, he has converted about 5 thousand newborns! But he did not do this for any gain, he did this crime for a decade just for fun. However, he claimed that he did this under the influence of a demon.

According to the news of Kolkata's famous newspaper Anandabazar Patrika, he is currently suffering from cancer. He may not live long. Lately Elizabeth has felt that God will not forgive her unless she confesses her sins. That is why he openly confessed his crime on social media.

He also wrote on social media, 'I am suffering from cancer, I may not live long. So I have nothing to hide now. I worked for 12 years in the maternity department of the University Teaching Hospital (UTH). At that time I changed about 5 thousand children. I apologize to the mothers of those children.'

He also said that, 'at that time some giant has done these things with him.'

Many a happy couple has also broken up because of this eccentric pleasure of his. He expressed regret for that. Following Elizabeth's confession, the General Nursing Council of Zambia has launched an investigation into the matter.

They are looking to see if any nurses with this name actually worked during that period.

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