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That black hole is three million times bigger than the Earth! What does a black hole actually look like?

Scientists say, we have been able to see what we thought was impossible to see for a long time

The Dhaka Times Desk Scientists have captured and released images of black holes for the first time. Scientists consider this phenomenon as a great achievement of science.

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The National Science Foundation (NSF), a US-based science research organization, released the first image of a black hole in a press conference.

According to scientists, this massive black hole and its shadow were captured from the center of a galaxy called Messier or M-87.

Scientists say, we have been able to see what we thought was impossible to see for a long time. And this is the first direct evidence of black holes.

The image shows a ring of yellowish dust and gas surrounding the supermassive black hole. M-87 is located in the middle of the galaxy, 55 million light-years from Earth. The black hole spans over 4 billion kilometers and is 3 million times larger than Earth.

The first image of a black hole was taken by the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration, also known as EHT. More than two hundred scientists are working on this project. They have been working on this picture for more than a decade.

In 2017, as part of this project, scientists created a global network to photograph black holes. Finally the scientists saw the face of success.

According to NASA, a black hole is a small area of compact matter that creates a massive gravitational field and pulls everything around it, including light, into itself. Black holes also have their own method of melting matter, capable of melting everything around them in an instant!

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