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Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan's brain surgery!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan has been named Asia's most attractive man. To recover from illness caused by recent head injury Hinduja Hospital Hrithik Roshan underwent brain surgery on Sunday afternoon.


Recently, this 39-year-old popular actor  Subdural Hematoma Suffers from the disease which causes bleeding in the veins of the brain and causes severe headaches. Hrithik's father is Rakesh Roshan According to sources, Hrithik suffered a head injury during the shooting of Bang Bang movie two months ago due to which he suffered from a disease called Subdural Hematoma. As a result, Ritvik Roshan underwent surgery on July 7 at Hinduja Hospital under the supervision of surgery specialist Dr. BK Mishra. Rakesh Roshan, however, said that the brain surgery operation was minor and nothing serious.

The operation was successful and Ritvik will recover very soon. Thank you all for your prayers – so let us know on Twitter that the operation was a success Famous jewelery designer Farah Ali Khan.

Earlier, Hrithik Roshan shared the news about his illness and brain surgery on his official Facebook page. As per the FB page post, everyone uses the power of their mind to make life happy. We are given the wonderful gift of brain which enables us to hear, see, touch, smell, taste, conquer fear, dare to imagine and it is very important to realize its value. That's why Hrithik has to undergo brain surgery to experience this literal power of the brain, to recover from the disease. Hrithik thanked everyone for always being by his side and expressed his love for everyone.

Note that recently Agriculture 3 And bang bang Due to the movie, Hrithik Roshan has to shoot a lot of heavy action scenes.

Reference: Times of India

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