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Here are some ways to stay cool in summer

You can master the technique of keeping your body temperature normal in summer

The Dhaka Times Desk As the temperature of the weather increases, the temperature of the human body also increases, it is a natural phenomenon. So here are some ways to stay cool this summer.

গরমে শীতল থাকার কয়েকটি উপায় জেনে নিন 1

During this hot season, if one can master the technique of keeping his body temperature normal, then it is very easy to get rid of illness. Find out about those things today.

# According to Ayurveda, the pitta of a person is generally aggravated during summer. Therefore, to maintain coolness in the body, bile-inducing foods must first be avoided. Avoid winter vegetables like carrots, cauliflower, beets, cabbage from the summer diet. Replace with vegetables like cucumber, shrimp, beetroot, pumpkin, scallions and fruits like watermelon, futi, bell, apple etc. You can also eat mango safely. Every fruit and vegetable has a high water content, which will keep the body cool. Also don't forget to eat curd, canned water etc. The less you eat cheese, oil-spices, fried foods, more chilies, oranges, etc., the better for your health.

# Do not leave too long a gap between meals. Excess of acid and bile occurs on an empty stomach. Eat the heaviest meal in the middle of the day (ie lunch), and lighten up in the evening. Eat more salads and fruits during this summer.

# Bathing with pure coconut oil on the head and body is sure to reduce the incidence of heat rash on your skin. Coconut oil also acts as a sunscreen, so it is widely used in equatorial regions.

# doesn't really want to drink tea or coffee on a hot day. So eat syrup at room temperature. Also stay away from ice-cold drinks, which heat up the body a bit.

# Excessive heat causes large amounts of water to escape from the body through perspiration. You also need to drink extra water to replenish that water. Water is needed to keep body cells alive.

# Forget meat, eggs and fatty foods altogether. Eat more liquid food, canned water, watermelon.

# This summer you should wear light colored clothes. The reason is that dark colored clothing absorbs the sun, so the heat is felt more. It is best to wear white clothes. Never wear synthetic clothes in summer. Always try to wear cotton and loose-fitting clothes.

# Try to move through the shadows. Keep a wide cap, scarf or umbrella on your head when going in the sun. When riding a rickshaw, you must raise the hood. Apply sunscreen cream or lotion on the skin.

# Only do heavy exercise early in the morning or after dusk when the weather is cooler. Exercising heavily in the sun can lead to various problems starting with muscle cramps.

# If you are in the habit of smoking cigarettes, definitely quit. The reason is that smoking makes the body hotter.

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