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In the territories of the world where the movement for freedom took place

There are still many territories in the world that are 'crying' for freedom

The Dhaka Times Desk Freedom is a priceless asset. And so not everyone is lucky enough to have such a rare resource of freedom. There are still many territories in the world that are 'crying' for freedom. Among them is the 'cry' to get out of colonial rule.

স্বাধীনতার জন্য ‌আন্দোলন হয়েছে বিশ্বের যেসব ভূখণ্ডে 1


In 1714, Barcelona was defeated by the forces of King Philip V of Spain and Catalonia lost its independence. Since 2012, the day has been chosen by freedom fighters as a movement for independence. A referendum was held in Catalonia on October 1, 2017. Then on October 27, independence activists led by Puigdemont declared Catalonia's independence from Spain. However, Spain's national government dissolved the new government of Catalonia and dismissed Puigdemont. It can be said that all attempts to separate from Spain have failed in Catalonia.


The state of Ambazonia has been seeking secession from Cameroon since 1984. The problem started when the then President Paul Biya changed the name of the region from the Republic of Cameroon to the United Republic of Cameroon. Cameroon gained independence from France in 1960, but the people of Ambazonia continued to demand their independence.


Biafra is a region in the southeastern part of Nigeria. A group called Igbo has been agitating for the establishment of the independent state of Biafra. The inhabitants of this state have essentially distinct characteristics. Apart from the Igbora, the state is home to various communities such as the Efik, Ebibo, Anang, Jagham, Iket, Beno and Jau. For the last 50 years they have been agitating for independence to come out of the French colony.


In 2016, the people of Somaliland celebrated 25 years of self-declared independence. A self-proclaimed state of Somalia. The government of Somalia is also trying hard to suppress the alleged insurgency in the region. However, recently the peace-loving people of Somaliland have been able to attract the attention of the international community.


Another land that fought for independence is Dafur. Their struggle is not long. When the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) and the Justice and Equity Movement (JEM) started fighting for independence in 2003, the people of Dafur also took to the streets. After the birth of South Sudan, their demand for independence gained momentum.

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