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"The future of the Middle East will be determined by the people of the region" - Bashar al-Assad

Iraqi National Security Adviser Faleh al-Fayed, who is visiting Syria, met with President Assad in Damascus.

The Dhaka Times Desk Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said, 'The future of the Middle East will be decided by the people of the region'.

‘মধ্যপ্রাচ্যের ভবিষ্যত এই অঞ্চলের জনগণই নির্ধারণ করবে’ -বাশার আল-আসাদ 1

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad commented that the people of the region have the sole right to determine the future of the Middle East. Iraq's National Security Adviser Faleh Al-Fayed, who is visiting Syria yesterday (Sunday), made this comment when he went to meet President Assad in Damascus.

Bashar al-Assad said that there is a deep conspiracy against the independence and sovereignty of Iraq and Syria in the regional and international arena. Damascus and Baghdad will have to be very careful to thwart these conspiracies.

At this time, Falih al-Fayed said, in addition to Syria's military power, its victory against terrorism is also Iraq's victory. On the other hand, any military achievement of Iraq is also very helpful for the stability of Syria.

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