The Dhaka Times
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National singer Subir Nandi is on life support

Subir Nandi has been singing for 40 years

The Dhaka Times Desk National singer Subir Nandi has been on life support since last night (Sunday- April 14). He was admitted to the Combined Military Hospital (CMH) in the capital around 10 pm that day in critical condition.

দেশবরেণ্য কণ্ঠশিল্পী সুবীর নন্দী লাইফ সাপোর্টে 1

As his condition rapidly deteriorated, he was taken on life support around 11 pm. His daughter Falguni has asked everyone to pray for her father. His daughter Falguni also said that the doctors gave instructions not to crowd the visitors in the hospital.

Subir Nandi's relative actress Urmila Srabanti Kar's mother Tripti Kar told the media that Subir Nandi was returning from Sylhet with her family. As soon as he came near Uttara, his physical condition suddenly became very bad. He was forced off the train and taken to CMH in an ambulance.

Subir Nandi has been singing for 40 years. He has sung more than 2500 songs in his career. This artist has won the National Film Award four times for playback in films. Subir Nandi was awarded Ekushey Padak this year.

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