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The world's first energy-positive hotel

The most interesting thing about this hotel is that all its rooms offer a 360-degree view of the landscape

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Saturday, 20 April 2019 Christ, 7 Baisakh 1426 Bangabd, 14 Shaban 1440 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

পৃথিবীর প্রথম এনার্জি-পজিটিভ হোটেল 1

In 2021, the world's first energy-positive hotel named Esvert is going to open. It will launch off the coast of Helgoland in northern Norway.

The most interesting thing about this hotel is that all its rooms offer a 360-degree view of the landscape. This means that every room's occupants can enjoy stunning views of the Arctic.

Residents of each room will have a unique view of the Arctic. During the summer visitors can go kayaking, hiking and cycling on the Esvertisan glacier. On the other hand, you can enjoy the mesmerizing Northern Lights of the Arctic in winter.

The hotel is being built on the side of Almlfjelet mountain in Norway. This area geographically belongs to the Arctic Circle. Energy-positive means that more energy is produced than is expended!


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